feels like stopping my days here and just return, to do what I'd love to do, to learn what I'd like to learn, and sleep without fears and worries


When dreams and nightmares are perceived as the reality, and worse, when the reality turns into a mere fantasy...

i should have known

sedih plak bile sekor hamster aku mati..tapi nak buat cemane mmg average lifespan djungarian hamster cuma 1.5 hingga 2 tahun. aku da bela 2 ekor tu dekat 2 taun...

still, aku rase bersalah sbb aku rase aku xcukup jage diorg leklok. dah jarang aku bagi makan kat diorg. selalunye bagi sikit2 tapi selalu. sejak pindah ni aku bagi segenggam terus tahan 2 hari. aku rase kalau aku jage elok2 mesti boleh hidup lagi lama. what a shame not to be fully responsible to them. yang sedihnye both of them still xde name. aku xtau nak letak name ape..ni baru hamster...esok da ade anak xtaula

kadang2 rase cuak gak mane tau akhirat nanti hamster tu carik aku balik sbb xjage betul2..

small things that human usually don't really care about, usually can be a big deal to the other party. its the same to animals, they have feelings too. what if they can talk?

RIP err...this one?

It has been a long time, I guess I'm going to clean the cage tomorrow and prepare a new bedding for the other one. Pretty sure he/she will be lonely after this..lol.

Mandikan, then sterilize the cage, food bowl, exercise wheel and probably find somewhere better to place the cage.

ouh, btw I have no idea whether its a male or a female. any way I can confirm this? + if there's any suggestion for the name.

Philosophy of Consciousness

We humans usually forgot to be grateful with what we have in our hands, and also often worry about things that we currently not able to/don't possess. these lead us into being a greed creature, forgetting the true meaning of happiness. perhaps only by looking at those who can't even feed themselves once a day will make us self-reflect of how happy we should be...

lecturing this to myself and readers out there :)

If you were given the money to start a new business, what business would you open?

at this age, I'd probably start a large scale gadget shops, with online shopping services. maybe I'd want to manufacture vehicle electronic systems in the near future. ouh...I'd like to open a restaurant too!

ekau jangan nak tanyo soklan polek2...tak dapek den nak nolong