dear bloggers...

this is my personal opinion...and i think most of the readers out there will agree with this.

pleaseeee....stop killing the readers' curiosity with that annoying auto-play-low-bitrate-songs!

most of the times i'd just close the tab and find something more.."soothing" or fun to read.
if i'm curious enough, may~be i'll press the mute button on my laptop...but that doesn't change the fact that readers are usually annoyed with those shocking auto-play-low-bitrate-songs.

if you really are trying to introduce your favorite song whatsoever, don't set it to autoplay, just put the playlist widget there waiting the readers to press the play button (if we are that much curious)

can you imagine a silent night, wandering around your friends' blogs to kill the time before you sleep, and suddenly jantung macam nak gugur when a blog finished loading?

i guess its one of the contributors to my insomnia =,="